FEATURESEA$20170FEATURESEA$1AC1101OUTLINE OF THE Fl SYSTEMThe ma in function of a fuel supply system is to provide fuel to the comb ustion chamber at the optimumair-fuel ratio in accordance with the engine operating co nd i ti ons and the atmosp he ric temperature. Inthe conventional carburetor system, the air-fuel ratio of the mixture that is supplied to the com bustionchamber is created by the vol ume of the intake air and the fuel that is met ered by the j et used in therespective carburetor.Despite the sam e volume of intake air, the fuel volume requirement varies by the engine operating con-diti ons , such as acceleration, deceleration, or ope rating under a heavy load . Carburetors that meter thefuel throug h the use of jets have b een provided with various auxiliary d evices, so that an optimum air-fu-el ratio can be ach ieved to accommodate the constant cha nges in the ope rati ng conditions of th e en-gine.As the requirements for the engine to de li ver more performance and cle aner exhaust gases increase,it b eco mes necessary to control the air-fuel ratio in a more precise a nd finely tuned manner. To accom-modate this need , this model has a dopted an electronica ll y controlled fuel injection (Fl) system, in placeof the conventional carburetor system. Th is system can achieve an optimum air-fuel ratio requ ired bythe eng ine at all times by using a microprocessor that regulates the fuel injection vol um e according tothe engine operating conditions detected by va ri ous sensors.The adoption of the Fl syst em has resulted in a highly precise fuel suppl y, improved engine response,better fuel economy, and reduced exhaust em i ssions.1 2 3,4 , 5,6 7 8 91715, 16 14 13 12 11 101. Engine trouble warning light2. ECU (engine control un i t)3. T hrottle position sensor4. Accelerator position sensor5. In ta ke air pressure sensors6. T hrottle servo mo tor7. Fu el pump8. Lean angle sensor9. Ba ttery10. Sp ee d sensor1 1.02 sen so r12. Crankshaft positi on sensor13. Coolant temperature sensor14.lnjectors15. Ignition coils16.Spark plugs17.lntake air temperature sensor1-2