EA$22&e0REMOVING THE HANDLEBAR1. Stand the veh icle on a level surface.EWAt 3 120AwARNINGSecurely support the vehicle so that there isno danger of it falling over.2. Remove:• Handlebar grip "1"TIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Blow compressed air between the left ha nd lebarand the handlebar grip, and gradually push thegrip off the handlebar.13. Remove:• Throttle cable housings "1"• Throttle grip "2"TIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wh il e removing the throttle cable housing, pullback the rubber cover "3".EAS22890CHECKING THE HANDLEBAR1. Check:• HandlebarBends/cracks/damage --+ Rep lace.EWAl lfi90A WARNINGDo not attempt to straighten a bent handle-bar as this may dangerously weaken it.HANDLEBAR....,,.., ,INSTALLING THE HANDLEBAR1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface.AwARNINGSecurely support the vehicle so that there isno danger of it falling over.2. Insta ll :• Lower handlebar holders(temporarily)• Handlebar "1"• Upper handlebar holders "2"ECAIRC1407NOTICEUpper handlebar holder bolt22 Nm (2.2 m·kgf, 16 fl·lbf)• First, tighten the bolts on the front side ofthe upper handlebar holder, and then onthe rear side.• Turn the handlebar all the way to the leftand right. If there is any contact with thefuel tank, adjust the handlebar position .TIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~• Align the punch mark "a" on the handlebar withthe left side upper surface of the left lower han-dlebar ho ld er "3".• The upper handlebar holders should be in-stalled with the punch marks "b" fac ing fo r-ward.3. Tighten:• Lower handlebar holder nuts4-45