CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFTnal bea ri ngs "1" with the notches "b" in thecrankcase.• Be sure to install each crankshaft journal bear-ings in its original place.,..,.,.,INSTALLING THE BALANCER ASSEMBLY1. Install:• Balancer journal upper bearings(into the upper crankcase)• Balancer journal lower bearings(into the lower crankcase)TIP ---------------• Al ig n the projections "a" on the balancer journalbearings "1" with the notches "b" in the crank-cases.• Be sure to install each balancer journal bearingin its original place.2. Install:• Balancer shaftTIP ---------------lnstall by aligning the crankshaft match mark "a"and the balancer shaft match mark "b".5-75