Rectifier/regulator input voltageabove 14 Vat 5000 r/ minTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTa. Set th e eng in e tachometer to the igni ti on co ilof cyl in der #1.b. Connect the pocket tester (AC 20 V) to therec ti fier/regulator coupler as shown.Pocket tester90890-03112Analog pocket testerYU-03112-C• Posi ti ve tester probewhite "1"• Negative tester probewhite "2"• Posi ti ve tester probewhite "1"• Negative tester probewhite "3"• Positi ve tester probewhite "2"• Negative tester probewhite "3"1 2 3\1---1 ~c. Start the engine and let it run at approximate-ly 5000 r/min.d. Measure the rectifier/regulator input voltage.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••2. Check:• Rectifier/regulator output voltageOut of specification 4 Replace the rec ti fi-er/regulator.Regulated voltage (DC)14.3- 14.7 vTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTa. Set th e eng in e tachometer to the ignition co ilof cyl in der #1.b. Connect the pocket tester (DC 20 V) to thebattery as shown.ELECTRICAL COMPONENTSPocket tester90890-03112Analog pocket testerYU -03112-C• Positive tester probe 4positive battery terminal "1"• Negative tester probe 4negative battery terminal "2"s,'\*Cc. Sta rt the eng in e and let it run at approximate-ly 5000 r/min.d. Measure the charging voltage..........CHECKING THE HORN1. Check:• Hom resistanceO u1 of specification 4 Replace.HornCoil resistance1.01- 1.11 nTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTa. Disconnect the ho rn leads from the horn te r-minals.b. Connect the digital circuit tester to the hornterminals.Digital circuit tester90890-03174Model 88 Multimeter with tachom-eterYU-A1927• Positive tester p ro beHorn terminal "1"• Negative tester probeHorn terminal "2"8-103