EA$2>12$)REMOVING THE VALVESThe following procedu re applies to all of thevalves and re lated components.TIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Before removing the internal parts of the cy li nderhead (e.g., valves, valve sp rin gs , valve seats),make sure the valves prope rl y seal.1. Remove:• Valve lifter "1"• VaIve pad "2"TIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Make a note of the position of each valve lifterand valve pad so that they can be reinstalled intheir original place.1 3EXIN2 12. Check:• Valve sea li ngLeakage at the valve seat --t Check the valveface, valve seat, and valve seat width.Refer to "CHECKING THE VALVE SEATS"on page 5-25.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a. Pour a clean solvent "a" into the intake andexhaust ports.b. Check that the valves properly sea l.TIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~There should be no leakage at the valve seat "1".1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••3. Remove:• Valve cottersVALVES AND VALVE SPRINGSTIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Remove the valve cotters by compress in g thevalve spring with the valve spri ng compressor"1" and the valve spri ng compressor attachment''2".Valve spring compressor90890-04019YM-04019Valve spring compressor attach-ment90890-04108Valve spring compressor adapter22mmYM-0410814. Remove:• Valve spring retainer "1"• Valve spring "2"• Valve "3"• Valve stem seal "4"• Valve spring seat "5"TIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ldenti fy the position of each part very carefu ll y sothat it can be reinsta ll ed in its o ri ginal place.·--._I · --._-----' ©- 1I ®- 4i ~ - 2......... _____ ~'.__,3,_,,.CHECKING THE VALVES AND VALVEGUIDESThe fo ll owing procedure app li es to all of thevalves and valve gu id es .1. Measure:• Valve-stem-to-valve-guide clearanceOut of specification --t Replace the valve5-23