CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFTEA$2$lla0REMOVING THE CRANKSHAFT ANDBALANCER SHAFT1. Remove:• Balancer shaft "1"• Balancer shaft journal bearings• Crankshaft assembly "2"• Crankshaft jou rnal b earingsTIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Identify the position of each balancer shaft jour-nal bearings and crankshaft journal bearin gs sothat it can be reinstalled in its original place.EAS1RC l !iOSCHECKING THE OIL NOZZLESThe fo ll ow ing procedure applies to all of the o ilnozzles.1. Ch eck:• O il nozzle "1"Damage/ wear --t Replace the oil nozzle.• O il passageObstruction --t Blow out with compressed air.1©CHECKING THE CRANKSHAFT1. Measure:• Crankshaft runoutOut of sp ecification --t Replace the crank-shaft.Runout limit0.030 mm (0.0012 in)5-712. Check:• Crankshaft journal surfaces• Crankshaft pin surfaces• Bearing surfacesScratches/wear --t Replace the crankshaft.3. Measure:• C rankshaft-journal-to-crankshaft-jou r-nal-b earing clearanceOut of specification --t Replace the crank-shaft journal bearings.ECA.13920NOTICEJournal oil clearance0.014-0 .038 mm (0.0 006-0.0015In)Do not interchange the crankshaft journalbearings. To obtain the correct crank-shaft-journal - to-crankshaft-journal-bearingclearance and prevent engine damage, thecrankshaft journal bearings must be in-stalled in their original positions.TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTa. Clean the crankshaft journal bearings, crank-shaft journals, and bearing portions of thecrankcase.b. Place the upper crankcase upside down on abench.c . Install the crankshaft journal upper bearings"1" and the crankshaft into the upper crank-cas e.TIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Align the proj ections "a" on the crankshaft jour-nal upper bea ri ngs with the notch es "b" in the up-per crankcase.