1. A ir induction system hose (air filter case to a ircut-off valve)2. Air filter case3. Throttle cables4. Sta tor coil assembly lead5. Speed sensor lead6. Clamp7. Positive battery lead8. Starter motor lead9. Stator coil lead10. W ire harness (to rectifier/r egulator)11. Gear position sensor lead12. Sidestand switch lead13. Oil level switch lead14. Boots15. Clutch cable16. Intake air temperatu re sensor coupler17. Air scoop s tay18. W ire harness protector19. Coupler cover20. Main switch coupler 121 . Main switch coupler 222. Sponge23. Sponge edge24. C anister breather hoseA. Route the air induction system hose (air filter caseto a ir cut-off val ve) inside the throttle cable.B. To speed sensorC. Rou te the fuel tank drain hose/breather hose out-side to the wire harnesses.0. Fasten th e sidestand switch lead, stator coilassembly lead, starter motor lead, oil level switchlead. and the speed sensor lead with the clamp.T he order of the leads does not matter. Align theclamp w ith the tape on the starter m otor lead. Donot cut off the clamp end and point it forward.E. Route the gear position sensor lead inside to theshift arm.F. Hose bending edgeG. Align the sidestand swijch lead, oil level switchlead, fuel tank drain hose, and breather hose withth e bending edge of the hose, and then installth em. Face the clamp opening to the rearward.H. 30-50 mm (1.18- 1.97 in)I. Point the ti ps of fuel tank drain hose and breatherhose as shown in the illustration .J. Place the stator coil assembly lead so th at barecopper wires do not protrude from the boots.K. Route the intake air tempera ture sensor leadabove th e t hrottle cable in the l rame, and feed itoutside the vehicle through the t ri angle hole in theframe.L. Install the clamp to the hole in the air scoop stay.M. Install th e intake a ir temperature sensor coupleron the ri b of the air scoop st ay.N. Install th e clamp to the hole in the bottom o f thecoupler cover.0 . Fasten the main switch coupler to the couplercover with th e cl am p.P. Ma ke sure that the main switch coupler does notprotrude from the sponge edge.2-58CABLE ROUTINGQ. Align the wi re harness protector with the edge ofthe Velcro tape and wrap it. However. the tape sur-face may pr otrude somewhat.R. For California on lyS. Route the canister brea th er hose to the i nside ofthe stator coil assembly lead and starter motorlead, also outside to the sidestand switch lead andthe oil level switch lead.T. It does not matter whether the oil level switch leador the sidestand switch lead is on top.u. It does not matter whether the fuel tank drain hoseor the b reather hose is on top but make su re thatthese hoses a re not twisted each other.