e. Measure the coolant temperatu re sensor re-sistance.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••3. Install:• Coolant temperature sensor,."""Coolant temperature sensor16 Nm (1.6 m·kgf, 12 ft ·lbf)CHECKING THE THROTTLE POSITIONSENSOR1. Remove:• Throttle pos iti on se nsor(from the throttle bodie s)EWA1AC1 106A WARNING• Handle the throttle position sensor withspecial care.• Never subject the throttle position sensorto strong shocks. If the throttle positionsensor is dropped, replace it.2. Check:• Throttle position sensor maximum resistanceOu t of specification 4 Replace the throttleposition sensor.l~I Resistance1.20-2.so kn••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a. Connect the pocket tester (Q x 1 k) to thethrottle position sensor terminals as shown.Pocket tester90890-03112Analog pocket testerYU-03112-C• Positive tester probe 4blue "1"• Negative tester probe 4black/blue "2"ELECTRICAL COMPONENTSb. Measure the throttle position sensor maxi-mum resistance.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••3. Insta ll :• Throttle position sensorTIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When installing the throttle position se nsor, ad-just its a ng le properly. Refer to "ADJUSTINGTHE THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR" on page7-12.,...,...,.CHECKING THE ACCELERATOR POSITIONSENSOR1. Remove:• Accele rator position sensor(from the throttle bodies)EWA1FCl106A WARNING• Handle the accelerator position sensor withspecial care.• Never subject the accelerator position sen-sor to strong shocks. If the accelerator po-sition sensor is dropped, replace it.2. Check:• Accelerator position sensor maximum resis-tanceOut of specification 4 Rep lace the accelera-tor position sensor.l~I Resistance1.08-2.52 kQ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a. Connect the pocket tester (!1 x 1 k) to the ac -celerator position sensor terminals as shown.Pocket tester90890-03112Analog pocket testerYU -03112 -C• Positive tester probe 4blue "1"• Negative tester probe 4black/blue "2"8-107