3. Check:Engi ne idli ng speed11 00-1300 r/min• ISC (idle speed control) learning value"00" or "01" 4 Check the intake system."02" 4 Clean the th rottle bodie s.Refer to "CHECKING AND CLEANING THETHROTILE BODIES" on page 7·8 .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a. Connect the Yamaha diagnostic too l.Use the diagnostic code n um ber "67".Refer to "SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTIONAND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE" on page9-5.b. Check the ISC (idle speed control) leaningva lue.EAS1A C13 18SYNCHRONIZING THE THROTI LE BODIESTIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Before synchronizing the throttle bodies, checkthe following items :• Valve clearance• Spark plu gs• Air filter element• Throttle body jo ints• Fuel hose• Ex haust system• Breather hosesChecking the th rottle body sy nchro nization1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface.TIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Place the vehicle on a suitable stand.2. Remove:• Rider seatRefer to "GENERAL CHASSIS" on page 4· 1.• Fuel tankRefer to "FUEL TA NK" on page 7-1.• Air filter caseRefer to "GENERAL CHASSIS" on page 4· 1.3. Remove:• Caps "1"3-8PERIODIC MAINTENANCE4. Insta ll :• Vacuum gauge "1"5. Insta ll :Vacuum gauge90890-03094VacuummateVU -44456• A ir fil ter caseRefer to "G ENERAL CHASSIS" on page 4-1.• Fuel tankRef er to "FU EL TANK" on page 7 -1 .6. Check:• Throttle body synchronization••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a. Start the engine, warm it up for seve ral m in·utes, and then let it run at the specified en-gine idli ng speed.E ngine idling speed1100-1300 r/minb. Check the vacuum pressure.The difference In vac uum p ressurebetween t he t hrottle bodies s houldnot exceed 1.33 kPa (1 0 mmHg ).If out of specification 4 Adjust the throttlebody synchronization.