EA$20320TIGHTENING TORQUESEA$20331GENERAL TIGHTENING TORQUESPECIFICATIONSThis chart specifies tightening torques for stan-dard fasteners with a standard ISO thread pitch.Tighte ni ng torque specifications for special com-ponents or assemblies are provided for eachchapter of this manua l. To avoid warpage, tight-en multi-fastener assembli es in a crisscross pat-te rn and progressive stages until the specifiedtighte ni ng torque is reached. Unless otherwisespecified, tightening torque specifications re-q ui re clean, dry threads. Components should beat room temperature.0A. Distance between flatsB. Outside thread diameterGeneral tighteningA (nut) B(bolt)torquesNm m· kgf ft·lbf10mm 6mm 6 0.6 4.312 mm 8mm 15 1.5 1114 mm 10mm 30 3.0 2217 mm 12 mm 55 5.5 4019mm 14 mm 85 8.5 6122mm 16 mm 130 13 942-13TIGHTENING TORQUES