7 - 2T U NCAUTION:l The carburetor is extremely sensitive toforeign matter (dirt, sand, water, etc.).During installation, do not allow foreignmatter to get into the carburetor.l Always handle the carburetor and itscomponents carefully. Even slightscratches, bends or damage to carbure-tor parts may prevent the carburetor fromfunctioning correctly. Carefully performall servicing with the appropriate toolsand without applying excessive force.l When the engine is stopped or whenriding at no load, do not open and closethe throttle unnecessarily. Otherwise, toomuch fuel may be discharged, startingmay become difficult or the engine maynot run well.l After installing the carburetor, check thatthe throttle operates correctly and opensand closes smoothly.Atmospheric conditions and carburetorsettingsThe air density (i.e., concentration of oxygenin the air) determines the richness or lean-ness of the air/fuel mixture. Therefore, referto the above table for mixture settings.That is:l Higher temperature expands the air with itsresultant reduced density.l Higher humidity reduces the amount of oxy-gen in the air by so much of the water vaporin the same air.l Lower atmospheric pressure (at a high alti-tude) reduces the density of the air.Air temp. HumidityAirpressure(altitude)Mixture SettingHigh High Low (high) Richer LeanerLow Low High (low) Leaner RicherSETTING