1 - 17GENINFOBREAK-IN PROCEDURES1. Before starting the engine, fill the fueltank with the fuel.2. Perform the pre-operation checks on themachine.3. Start and warm up the engine. Check theidle speed, and check the operation ofthe controls and the engine stop switch.Then, restart the engine and check itsoperation within no more than 5 minutesafter it is restarted.4. Operate the machine in the lower gearsat moderate throttle openings for five toeight minutes.5. Check how the engine runs when themotorcycle is ridden with the throttle 1/4to 1/2 open (low to medium speed) forabout one hour.6. Restart the engine and check the opera-tion of the machine throughout its entireoperating range. Restart the machineand operate it for about 10 to 15 moreminutes. The machine will now be readyto race.CAUTION:l After the break-in or before each race,you must check the entire machine forloose fittings and fasteners as per“TORQUE-CHECK POINTS”.Tighten all such fasteners as required.l When any of the following parts havebeen replaced, they must be broken in.CYLINDER AND CRANKSHAFT:About one hour of break-in operation isnecessary.PISTON, RING, VALVES, CAMSHAFTSAND GEARS:These parts require about 30 minutes ofbreak-in operation at half-throttle or less.Observe the condition of the engine care-fully during operation.STARTING AND BREAK-IN