10.8.6 Operation principleThe PSTO input selects the operator place (LOCAL, REMOTE or ALL). One of the eightoutputs is activated based on the command sent from the operator place selected. Thesettings Latchedx and tPulsex (where x is the respective output) will determine if thesignal will be pulsed (and how long the pulse is) or latched (steady). BLOCK will blockthe operation of the function – in case a command is sent, no output will be activated.PSTO is the universal operator place selector for all control functions.Although, PSTO can be configured to use LOCAL or ALL operatorplaces only, REMOTE operator place is used in SPC8GGIO function.10.9 Automation bits AUTOBITS10.9.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberAutomationBits, command function forDNP3 AUTOBITS - -10.9.2 FunctionalityThe Automation bits function AUTOBITS is used to configure the DNP3 protocolcommand handling. Each of the 3 AUTOBITS available has 32 individual outputsavailable, each can be mapped as a binary output point in DNP3.1MRK 511 287-UUS A Section 10Control355Technical manual