2.3 Station communicationIEC 61850 or FunctionnameANSI Function description BayREC650REC650 (A01A)3Ph/1CBAREC650 (A02A)3Ph/1CBABREC650 (A07A)BCABStation communicationIEC61850-8-1 IEC 61850 communication protocol 1 1 1 1DNPGEN DNP3.0 communication general protocol 1 1 1 1RS485DNP DNP3.0 for RS-485 communication protocol 1 1 1 1CH1TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol 1 1 1 1CH2TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol 1 1 1 1CH3TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol 1 1 1 1CH4TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol 1 1 1 1OPTICALDNP DNP3.0 for optical RS-232 communicationprotocol1 1 1 1MSTSERIAL DNP3.0 for serial communication protocol 1 1 1 1MST1TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol 1 1 1 1MST2TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol 1 1 1 1MST3TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol 1 1 1 1MST4TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol 1 1 1 1RS485GEN RS485 1 1 1 1OPTICALPROT Operation selection for optical serial 1 1 1 1RS485PROT Operation selection for RS485 1 1 1 1DNPFREC DNP3.0 fault records for TCP/IPcommunication protocol1 1 1 1OPTICAL103 IEC60870-5-103 Optical serial communication 1 1 1 1RS485103 IEC60870-5-103 serial communication forRS4851 1 1 1GOOSEINTLKRCV Horizontal communication via GOOSE forinterlocking59 59 59 59GOOSEBINRCV GOOSE binary receive 4 4 4 4ETHFRNTETHLAN1GATEWAYEthernet configuration of front port, LAN1 portand gateway1 1 1 1ETHLAN1_AB Ethernet configuration of LAN1 port 1PRPSTATUS System component for parallell redundancyprotocol1Table continues on next pageSection 2 1MRK 511 287-UUS AAvailable functions42Technical manual