5.5.2 LED5.5.2.1 FunctionalityThe function blocks LEDGEN and GRP1_LEDx, GRP2_LEDx and GRP3_LEDx(x=1-15) controls and supplies information about the status of the indication LEDs. Theinput and output signals of the function blocks are configured with PCM600. The inputsignal for each LED is selected individually using SMT or ACT. Each LED is controlledby a GRP1_LEDx function block, that controls the color and the operating mode.Each indication LED on local HMI can be set individually to operate in 6 differentsequences; two as follow type and four as latch type. Two of the latching sequence typesare intended to be used as a protection indication system, either in collecting or restartingmode, with reset functionality. The other two are intended to be used as signalling systemin collecting mode with acknowledgment functionality. Status LEDsThere are three status LEDs above the LCD in the front of the IED, green, yellow and red.The green LED has a fixed function that present the healthy status of the IED. The yellowand red LEDs are user configured. The yellow LED can be used to indicate that adisturbance report is triggered (steady) or that the IED is in test mode (flashing). The redLED can be used to indicate a trip command.The yellow and red status LEDs are configured in the disturbance recorder function,DRPRDRE, by connecting a start or trip signal from the actual function to a BxRBDRbinary input function block using the PCM600 and configure the setting to Off, Start orTrip for that particular signal. Indication LEDsOperating modesCollecting mode• LEDs, which are used in collecting mode of operation, are accumulated continuouslyuntil the unit is acknowledged manually. This mode is suitable when the LEDs areused as a simplified alarm system.Re-starting mode• In the re-starting mode of operation each new start resets all previous active LEDs andactivates only those, which appear during one disturbance. Only LEDs defined for re-starting mode with the latched sequence type 6 (LatchedReset-S) will initiate a reset1MRK 511 287-UUS A Section 5Local Human-Machine-Interface LHMI71Technical manual