Chapter 3 Registering Information 3-7RegisteringInformation9 Press .10 Press to return to standby mode. Ex:Printing a List to Check the Sender InformationYou can print the User’s Data List to check the sender information you have registeredin the copier/fax and also to check the current settings of your unit.Follow this procedure to print the User’s Data List:1 Press .2 Press .3 Use or to select USER DATA LIST.4 Press .• The copier/fax unit prints the User’s Data List.The sender information is shown at the beginning of the list. The current settings of thecopier/fax are listed after this.************************************************************* ***USER’S DATA LIST1.USER SETTINGSUNIT TELEPHONE # 123 4567UNIT NAME CANONTX TERMINAL IDTTI POSITION OUTSIDE IMAGETELEPHONE # MARK FAXSCANNING CONTRAST STANDARDOFFHOOK ALARM ONVOLUME CONTROLCALLING VOLUME 2KEYPAD VOLUME 2ALARM VOLUME 2LINE MONITOR VOL. 2RX CALL LEVEL HIGHTEL LINE TYPE TOUCH TONE12/27/2001 17:23 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001PRINTING REPORTSetUSER DATA LIST0208ACTIVITY REPORT07ReportFunction12/27 FaxTelStopTX TERMINAL IDDATA ENTRY OKSet