Chapter 7 Sending Faxes 7-9Sending FaxesCanceling SendingFollow this procedure if you want to stop sending a document before transmission iscompleted: Cancel manual sending as follows:1 Press .• The transmission is canceled.• The copier/fax prints an Error TX Report.(1 p. 11-4) Cancel memory sending as follows:1 Press .• The copier/fax asks you to confirm that youwant to cancel sending.2 Press to cancel sending.• Sending is not canceled until you press T.• If you change your mind and want to continuesending, press #.• To cancel transmission of a document waitingto be sent from memory (because the unit iswaiting to redial), see Canceling AutomaticRedialing, p. 7-10.• To cancel transmission of a document waitingto be sent from memory, see Deleting aDocument From Memory, p. 7-17.• The copier/fax prints an Error TX Report.(1 p. 11-4)nWhen you cancel sending, you may need to open the operation panel to remove thedocument from the ADF (Automatic Document Feeder). (1 p. 13-3)ToneYES=(A) NO=(#)CANCEL? AYES #NOStopStop