CHAPTER 10 - PXG200E WEB PAGES131EATON PXG200E User Manual • IM02603001E Rev 5, 11-May-2012 • Firmware Version 5.03:3835PXG200E Home Web Page EventsThe Events are summarized by their associated group immediately belowthe group status box. The events box can be expanded or collapsed. Activeevents are shown in chronological order, newest event at the top of the list,and will be removed from the list once they are closed. Native device eventswill be shown. The device will be identified, cause of the event noted andtime-stamped.The Events Box• The events box (Figure 144, A) can be opened by clicking on the link inthe upper right corner of the events box (Figure 144, B). If the link saysEXPAND, clicking on the link will open the box. If the link saysCOLLAPSE, clicking on the link will close the box.Figure 144• If the device status indicates EVENTS (Figure 144, C), one or moreevents has been detected for the group. The number of events recordedis shown at the upper left corner of the events box (Figure 144, D).• The text inside of the events box indicates the name of the device thatreported the event, the type of event that occurred and the time and datethat the event occurred. Here is an example of how the text mightappear.North Wing Meter/Summary Alarm (1) - Device is in Alarm StatusOccurred at: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 10:03:11 PMPXG300E_302AGEDIJCF HB