20 Analog input module XN-322-4AI-PTNI20.6 Filters142 XN300 slice modules 06/16 MN050002 EN www.eaton.comIf the measuring range is exceeded or fallen below, but the reading still fallswithin the limits for range diagnostics, the fact that the permissible measur-ing range has been exceeded/fallen below will be indicated by setting therange diagnostics' (measuring range diagnostics) status to "TRUE." In thiscase, the open wire diagnostics will remain "FALSE," and a reading will beshown.If the reading exceeds or falls below the limits for range diagnostics, thedevice will be unable to perform a measurement, just like in the event of ancable break. In this case, the cable break diagnostics will signal the fault byhaving their status set to "TRUE," while the range diagnostics will keep a sta-tus of "FALSE." When this occurs, a value of "-30000" will be shown as thereading.If a channel is disabled, there will not be any measurements, and the openwire diagnostics will indicate this with the "TRUE" status.20.6 FiltersThe low-pass cutoff frequency can be configured for each input channelusing the appropriate register. This cutoff frequency is specified in Hz with-out any decimal places.Example: 50 Hz low-pass cutoff frequency; register value: 50dec / 32 hexThe following settings are valid:→ Range and open wire diagnostics must be taken into account inorder to ensure that the reading shown is being interpreted cor-rectly.Low-pass cut-off frequency Register valueFilter disabled (default) 0x000010 Hz 0x000A25 Hz 0x001950 Hz 0x0032100 Hz 0x0064