32 Interface module XN-322-2SSI32.3 Wiring272 XN300 slice modules 06/16 MN050002 EN www.eaton.com32.3.2 Gray Decoder ModeFor encoders that deliver Gray encoded data, the result will be automaticallydecoded (Gray code decoding ON) and provided as a 32-bit value in the chan-nel's relevant data register. When using this mode, extra bits in theencoder's data stream must be taken into account. If there are any extra bitsthat are not encoded and are transmitted before the encoded measurementdata in the serial data stream, automatic decoding will result in incorrectdecoding. In this case, you should use binary mode instead. If the unencodedextra bits in the encoder's serial data stream come after the measurementdata instead, only these extra bits will be interpreted incorrectly by automaticdecoding.32.3.3 Terminal typeA non-volatile shift register with the current measured value is loaded in thesensor. If a data value needs to be read, the device will output a clock signalon the clock cable. With this clock signal, the device will read the data fromthe encoder's shift register. Absolute encoders will deliver absolute data –with additional control information if applicable – in the shift register.Figure 147: Application StyleFigure 148: Application Stylea Clockb DataGND+5 VC-C+ RS422D+D-Bit n Bit n-1 Bit n-2 Bit 1 Bit 01 2 3①②