10 Digital input module XN-322-20DI-PF10.1 Status LEDsXN300 slice modules 06/16 MN050002 EN www.eaton.com 5710 Digital input module XN-322-20DI-PFXN-322-20DI-PF digital input modules have 20 inputs, for a +24 V level, thatcan be used to read the logical low and logical high signal levels, i.e., 0 and 1.The modules feature input filters designed to suppress glitches on the corre-sponding signal cables.10.1 Status LEDsFigure 32: LED signals and pin assignment for XN-322-20DI-PFa Module status LEDb User LEDc Status LEDs for inputs 1 to 20Module status green ON System OKOFF No powerFLASHES (5 Hz) No communicationUser yellow ON The user can set the LED signals as necessary.(For example, the visualization interface can beused to set the module's LED to flash so that itis easier to find the module inside the controlpanel.)OFFFLASH(200 ms ON, 1000 ms OFF)FLASH(1000 ms ON, 200 ms OFF)Status input 1...Status input 20green ON Input ONOFF Input OFFX11234X25678X39101112X413141516X51718192020DIPFSU①②③