1 XN300 slice modules1.1 Proper useXN300 slice modules 06/16 MN050002 EN www.eaton.com 151 XN300 slice modules1.1 Proper useXN300 slice modules include both digital and analog input and output mod-ules, as well as various specialty modules with counting, weighing, andmotor drive functionalities. These modules can be joined together withoutthe use of tools in order to form a system block. All XN300 system slice mod-ules communicate through the system bus and are part of the XN300 sys-tem. In addition, the XN300 system also includes a gateway that can be usedto establish a connection between a higher-level PLC and the aforemen-tioned system bus.The system bus is not designed for transmitting safety-relevant signals andmust not be used as a replacement for controllers such as burner, crane, andtwo-hand safety controllers.Power supply and signal terminals must be protected against accidental con-tact and covered.The XN300 system may only be operated if it has been correctly fitted andconnected by qualified electrical specialists. The installation must complywith regulations for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).1.2 Overview of functionsXN300 slice modules include a variety of I/O modules, as well as specialtymodules.1.3 List of I/O slice module devicesAll I/O slice modules can be used with the XN-312-GW-CAN gateway. Inorder to ensure that you will be able to fully commission all I/O slice modulesand functions, make sure that the gateway operating system is up-to-date.The latest updates for the gateway operating system can be downloadedfrom the Download Center on the Internet → Page 11.The I/O slice modules need to be locked in place together with the gatewayin order to form a system block. For detailed information on the gateway,please refer to the following manual: „CANopen Gateway XN312-GW-CAN“,MN050003.Please note that all the object names in the "Supported CANopen objects"chapters are specified in the form of hexadecimal values. DANGERCommissioning the XN300 slice modules and switching themon must not result in any hazards being posed by the devicesbeing driven, e.g., unexpected motor startups and equipmentbecoming unexpectedly energized.