22 Analog input module XN-322-8AI-I22.4 Technical data160 XN300 slice modules 06/16 MN050002 EN www.eaton.comThe current input channels use a differential voltage measurement at aninternal module resistor with a resistance of 50 Ω.It must be ensured that the input signals' voltage levels fall within the per-missible common mode range.Figure 89: Connecting example for signal current sources22.4 Technical data22.4.1 ChannelsX1 1+ 1- 2+ 2- X2 3+ 3- 4+ 4- X3 5+ 5- 6+ 6- X4 7+ 7- 8+ 8-PE24 V0 V+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-Channels ValueNumber of channels 8 analog input channelsMeasuring range 0…20mA 4…20mAMeasured value 0…20000 4000…20000A-D converter 16 bitResolution 0.3 μA / LSBConversion time per channel 1 msCommon-mode range ± 10 VInput resistance 50 ΩInput filtersHardware Typically: kHz (third-order low-pass filter)Software (parameterizable) parameterizableMeasuring accuracyCumulative error ±0.5% of full scale value