Advanced EnerVista 469 Setup Features469Motor Management RelayInterfaces–30 GE MultilinEvent Recorder window indicating the list of recorded events, with the mostcurrent event displayed first.FIGURE 4–9: Event Recorder Window2. To view detailed information for a given event and the system information at themoment of the event occurrence, change the event number on the SelectEvent box.Modbus User Map The EnerVista 469 Setup software provides a means to program the 469 User Map(Modbus addresses 0180h to 01F7h). Refer to GE Publication GEK-106491: 469Communications Guide for additional information on the User Map.1. Select a connected device in EnerVista 469 Setup.2. Select the Setpoint > User Map menu item to open the following window.EVENT LISTINGLists the last 256 eventswith the most recentdisplayed at top of list.EVENT SELECTIONSelect an event row toview event data information,which will be displayed in thewindow to the rightCLEAR EVENTSClick the ClearEvents button toclear the event listfrom memory.SAVE EVENTSClick the Save Eventsbutton to save the eventrecord to the PC as aCSV file.EVENT DATASystem information asmeasured by the relayat the instant of theevent occurrence.DEVICE IDThe events shown herecorrespond to this device.EVENT NUMBERThe event data informationis related to the selectedevent is shown