Advanced EnerVista 469 Setup Features469Motor Management RelayInterfaces–28 GE Multilin• Temperature:Hottest Stator RTDThermal Capacity UsedRTDs 1 through 12• Demand:CurrentPeak CurrentReactive PowerPeak Reactive PowerApparent PowerPeak Apparent Power• Others:Analog Inputs 1, 2, 3, and 4Tachometer1. With EnerVista 469 Setup running and communications established, select theActual Values > Trending menu item to open the trending window. The fol-lowing window will appear.2. To prepare for new trending, select Stop to stop the data logger and Reset toclear the screen.3. Select the graphs to be displayed through the pull-down menu beside eachchannel description.4. Select the Sample Rate through the pull-down menu.5. If you want to save the information captured by trending, check the box besidesLog Samples to File. The following dialog box will appear requesting for filename and path. The file is saved as 'csv' (comma delimited values) file, whichcan be viewed and manipulated with compatible third-party software. Ensurethat the sample rate not less than 5 seconds. Otherwise, some data may not getwritten to the file.