S9 Voltage Elements469Motor Management RelaySetpointshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin5–66 GE MultilinOvervoltage PATH: SETPOINTS ZV S9 VOLTAGE ELEM. ZV OVERVOLTAGEIf enabled, once the magnitude of either Vab, Vbc, or Vca rises above the pickuplevel for a period of time specified by the delay, a trip or alarm will occur (pickuplevels are multiples of motor nameplate voltage).An overvoltage on running motor with a constant load results in decreased current.However, iron and copper losses increase, causing an increase in motortemperature. The current overload relay will not pickup this condition and provideadequate protection. Therefore, the overvoltage element may be useful forprotecting the motor in the event of a sustained overvoltage condition.Phase Reversal PATH: SETPOINTS ZV S9 VOLTAGE ELEM. ZV PHASE REVERSALThe 469 can detect the phase rotation of the three phase voltage. If the PhaseReversal feature is turned on when all 3 phase voltages are greater than 50% motornameplate voltage, and the phase rotation of the three phase voltages is not thesame as the setpoint, a trip and block start will occur in 500 to 700 ms.This feature does not work when single VT operation is enabled. OVERVOLTAGE [Z] OVERVOLTAGEALARM: OffRange: Off, Latched, UnlatchedMESSAGE ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS:AlarmRange: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2,Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm &Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 &Aux3, Auxiliary3MESSAGE OVERVOLTAGE ALARMPICKUP: 1.05 x RATEDRange: 1.01 to 1.20 x RATED in steps of0.01MESSAGE OVERVOLTAGE ALARMDELAY: 3.0 sRange: 0.5 to 60.0 s in steps of 0.1MESSAGE OVERVOLTAGE ALARMEVENTS: OffRange: On, OffMESSAGE OVERVOLTAGETRIP: OffRange: Off, Latched, UnlatchedMESSAGE ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS:TripRange: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip &Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3MESSAGE OVERVOLTAGE TRIPPICKUP: 1.10 x RATEDRange: 1.01 to 1.20 x RATED in steps of0.01MESSAGE OVERVOLTAGE TRIPDELAY: 3.0 sRange: 0.5 to 60.0 s in steps of 0.1 PHASE [Z]REVERSALPHASE REVERSALTRIP: OffRange: Off, Latched, UnlatchedMESSAGE ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS:TripRange: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip &Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3NOTE