Hardware Functional Testing469Motor Management RelayTestinghttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin7–6 GE MultilinDigital Inputs and TripCoil SupervisionThe digital inputs and trip coil supervision can be verified easily with a simple switchor pushbutton. Verify the SWITCH +24 V DC with a voltmeter. Perform the stepsbelow to verify functionality of the digital inputs.1. Open switches of all of the digital inputs and the trip coil supervision circuit.2. View the status of the digital inputs and trip coil supervision in:ACTUAL VALUES Z A1 STATUS ZV DIGITAL INPUts3. Close switches of all of the digital inputs and the trip coil supervision circuit.4. View the status of the digital inputs and trip coil supervision in:A1 STATUS ZV DIGITAL INPUTSAnalog Inputs andOutputsThe 469 specification for analog input and analog output accuracy is ±1% of fullscale. Perform the steps below to verify accuracy. Verify the Analog Input +24 V DCwith a voltmeter.a) 4 to 20 mA Analog Input1. Alter the following setpoints:S12 ANALOG I/O ZV ANALOG INPUT1 Z ANALOG INPUT1: “4-20 mA”S12 ANALOG I/O ZV ANALOG INPUT1 ZV ANALOG INPUT1 MINIMUM: “0”S12 ANALOG I/O ZV ANALOG INPUT1 ZV ANALOG INPUT1 MAXIMUM: “1000” (repeatthis value for Analog Inputs 2 to 4)2. Analog output values should be ±0.2 mA on the ammeter. Measured analoginput values should be ±10 units. Force the analog outputs using the followingsetpoints:S13 TESTING ZV TEST ANALOG OUTPUT Z FORCE ANALOG OUTPUTS FUNCTION:“Enabled”S13 TESTING ZV TEST ANALOG OUTPUT ZV ANALOG OUTPUT 1 FORCED VALUE: “0%”(enter desired value in percent; repeat for Analog Outputs 2 through 4)3. Verify the ammeter readings as well as the measured analog input readings. Forthe purposes of testing, the analog input is fed in from the analog output (seeFIGURE 7–1: Secondary Injection Test Setup on page 7–2). View the measuredvalues in A2 METERING DATA ZV ANALOG INPUTS:INPUT EXPECTED STATUS(SWITCH OPEN)PASS /FAILEXPECTED STATUS(SWITCH CLOSED)PASS /FAILACCESS Open ShortedTEST Open ShortedSTARTER STATUS Open ShortedEMERGENCY RESTART Open ShortedREMOTE RESET Open ShortedASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 Open ShortedASSIGNABLE INPUT 2 Open ShortedASSIGNABLE INPUT 3 Open ShortedASSIGNABLE INPUT 4 Open ShortedTRIP COIL SUPERVISION No Coil CoilANALOGOUTPUTFORCEVALUEEXPECTEDAMMETERREADINGMEASURED AMMETERREADING (mA) EXPECTEDANALOGINPUTREADINGMEASURED ANALOG INPUTREADING (units)1 2 3 4 1 2 3 40% 4 mA 0 mA25% 8 mA 250 mA50% 12 mA 500 mA75% 16 mA 750 mA100% 20 mA 1000 mA