S1 469 Setup 469Motor Management RelaySetpointshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin 5–11GE MultilinReal Time Clock PATH: SETPOINTS Z S1 469 SETUP ZV REAL TIME CLOCKThe correct time and date must be entered for event recorder events to be correctlytime/date stamped. A supercap backed internal clock runs for 45 days even whenpower is off. It has an accuracy of approximately ±1 minute per month. It must beperiodically corrected manually through the front panel or via the RS485 serial linkclock update command. If the approximate time an event occurred withoutsynchronization to other relays is sufficient, then entry of time/date from the frontpanel keys is adequate.If the RS485 serial communication link is used, then all the relays can keepsynchronized time. A new clock time is pre-loaded into the 469 memory via theRS485 port by a remote computer to each relay connected on the communicationschannel. After the computer broadcasts (address 0) a “set clock” command, allrelays in the system begin timing at the same instant. There can be up to 100 ms ofdelay in receiving serial commands so the clock time in each relay is ±100 ms, ±the absolute clock accuracy in the PLC or PC. Refer to GE publication GEK-106491:469 Communications Guide for information on programming the time preload andsynchronizing commands.Default Messages PATH: SETPOINTS Z S1 469 SETUP ZV DEFAULT MESSAGESAfter a period of inactivity, the 469 displays default messages. Between 1 and 20default messages can be selected. Multiple default messages sequentially scan at arate determined by the S1 469 SETUP Z PREFERENCES Z DEFAULT MESSAGE CYCLE TIMEsetpoint. Any actual value can be selected for default display. In addition, up to fiveuser programmable messages can be created and displayed (message scratchpad).For example, the relay can alternately scan a motor identification message, thecurrent in each phase, and the hottest stator RTD. Default messages are shown inthis subgroup.Use the following procedure to add default messages:1. Enter the correct passcode for the S1 469 SETUP Z PASSCODE Z ENTER PASSCODEFOR ACCESS setpoint (unless the passcode has already been entered or the pass-code is “0”, defeating the passcode security feature).2. Move to the message to be added to the default message list using theMESSAGE T and MESSAGE S keys. The selected message can be any actual valueor Message Scratchpad message. REAL TIME [Z]CLOCKDATE (MM.DD.YYYY)01/01/1994Range: 01 to 12 / 01 to 31 / 1995 to 2094MESSAGE TIME (HH.MM.SS):12:00:00Range: 00 to 23 hrs / 00 to 59 min. / 00to 59 sec. DEFAULT [Z]MESSAGESDEFAULT MESSAGES6 OF 20 ASSIGNEDRange: N/AMESSAGE MOTOR STATUS:StoppedRange: N/AMESSAGE A: 0 B: 0C: 0 AmpsRange: N/AMESSAGE MOTOR LOAD:0.00 x FLARange: N/AMESSAGE CURRENT UNBALANCE:0%Range: N/AMESSAGE DATE: 01/01/1995TIME: 12:00:00Range: N/AMESSAGE MULTILIN 469 MotorManagement RelayRange: N/A