Working with Setpoints and Setpoint Files 469Motor Management RelayInterfaces 4–19GE Multilind) Creating a New Setpoint FileThe EnerVista 469 Setup software allows the user to create new setpoint filesindependent of a connected device. These can be uploaded to a relay at a later date.The following procedure illustrates how to create new setpoint files.1. In the File pane, right click on ‘File’ and select the New Settings File item. TheEnerVista 469 Setup software displays the following box will appear, allowing forthe configuration of the setpoint file for the correct firmware version. It isimportant to define the correct firmware version to ensure that setpoints notavailable in a particular version are not downloaded into the relay.2. Select the Firmware Version for the new setpoint file.3. For future reference, enter some useful information in the Description box tofacilitate the identification of the device and the purpose of the file.4. To select a file name and path for the new file, click the button beside the EnterFile Name box.5. Select the file name and path to store the file, or select any displayed file nameto update an existing file. All 469 setpoint files should have the extension ‘469’(for example, ‘motor1.469’).6. Click Save and OK to complete the process. Once this step is completed, thenew file, with a complete path, will be added to the EnerVista 469 Setupsoftware environment.e) Upgrading Setpoint Files to a New RevisionIt is often necessary to upgrade the revision code for a previously saved setpoint fileafter the 469 firmware has been upgraded (for example, this is required forfirmware upgrades). This is illustrated in the following procedure.1. Establish communications with the 469 relay.2. Select the Actual > Product Information menu item and record the SoftwareRevision identifier of the relay firmware as shown below.3. Load the setpoint file to be upgraded into the EnerVista 469 Setup environmentas described in Adding Setpoints Files to the Environment on page 4–18.4. In the File pane, select the saved setpoint file.5. From the main window menu bar, select the File > Properties menu item andnote the version code of the setpoint file. If this version (e.g. 4.0X shownbelow) is different than the Software Revision code noted in step 2, select a