A2 Metering Data469Motor Management RelayActual Valueshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin6–10 GE MultilinTemperature PATH: ACTUAL VALUES ZV A2 METERING DATA ZV TEMPERATUREThe current level of the 12 RTDs is displayed here. If the RTD is not connected, thevalue will be “No RTD”. The values will reflect the RTD names as programmed. TheHOTTEST STATOR RTD value is shown only if at least one RTD is set as “Stator”.If no RTDs are programmed in S8 RTD TEMPERATURE, the THIS FEATURE NOTPROGRAMMED flash message will appear when an attempt is made to enter thisgroup of messages.Voltage Metering PATH: ACTUAL VALUES ZV A2 METERING DATA ZV VOLTAGE METERINGMeasured voltage parameters will be displayed here. TEMPERATURE [Z] HOTTEST STATOR RTDRTD#1: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted)MESSAGE RTD #1TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted)MESSAGE RTD #2TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted)MESSAGE RTD #3TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted)MESSAGE RTD #4TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted).MESSAGE RTD #5TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted).MESSAGE RTD #6TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted)MESSAGE RTD #7TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted).MESSAGE RTD #8TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted)MESSAGE RTD #9TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted)MESSAGE RTD #10TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted)MESSAGE RTD #11TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted)MESSAGE RTD #12TEMPERATURE: 40°CRange: –50 to 250°C, No RTD (open), ---- (shorted) VOLTAGE [Z]METERINGVab: 0 Vbc: 0Vca: 0 VoltsRange: 0 to 20000 V. Not seen if VTConnection is set as NoneMESSAGE AVERAGE LINEVOLTAGE: 0 VoltsRange: 0 to 20000 V. Not seen if VTConnection is set as NoneMESSAGE Van: 0 Vbn: 0Vcn: 0 VoltsRange: 0 to 20000 V. Seen only if VTConnection is set as WyeMESSAGE AVERAGE PHASEVOLTAGE: 0 VoltsRange: 0 to 20000 V. Seen only if VTConnection is set as WyeMESSAGE SYSTEM FREQUENCY:0.00 HzRange: 0.00, 20.00 to 120.00 Hz