Electrical Installation469Motor Management RelayInstallationhttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin3–16 GE MultilinFIGURE 3–20: Wye Voltage Transformer ConnectionDigital Inputs There are 9 digital inputs designed for dry contact connections only. Two of thedigital inputs (Access and Test) have their own common terminal; the balance of thedigital inputs share one common terminal (see FIGURE 3–12: Typical WiringDiagram on page 3–9).In addition, the +24 V DC switch supply is brought out for control power of aninductive or capacitive proximity probe. The NPN transistor output could be taken toone of the assignable digital inputs configured as a counter or tachometer. Refer toSpecifications on page 2–5 for maximum current draw from the +24 V DC switchsupply.DO NOT INJECT VOLTAGES TO DIGITAL INPUTS. DRY CONTACTCONNECTIONS ONLY.Analog Inputs The 469 provides terminals for four 0 to 1mA, 0 to 20mA, or 4 to 20mA currentinput signals (field programmable). This current signal can be used to monitorexternal quantities such as vibration, pressure, or flow. The four inputs share onecommon return. Polarity of these inputs must be observed for proper operation Theanalog input circuitry is isolated as a group with the analog output circuitry and theRTD circuitry. Only one ground reference should be used for the three circuits.Transorbs limit this isolation to ±36 V with respect to the 469 safety ground.In addition, the +24 V DC analog input supply is brought out for control power ofloop powered transducers. Refer to Specifications on page 2–5 for maximum currentdraw from this supply.CAUTION