S11 Monitoring 469Motor Management RelaySetpointshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin 5–73GE MultilinOvertorque PATH: SETPOINTS ZV S10 POWER ELEMENTS ZV OVERTORQUEDetection of a motor overtorque condition, usually done to protect devices driven bythe motor, can be set up here. The assigned relay activates when the torquemeasured exceeds the specified level for the specified time duration.S11 MonitoringTrip Counter PATH: SETPOINTS ZV S11 MONITORING Z TRIP COUNTERWhen the Trip Counter Limit is reached, an alarm will occur. The trip counter mustbe cleared or the alarm level raised and the reset key must be pressed (if the alarmwas latched) to reset the alarm.For example, it might be useful to set a Trip Counter alarm at 100 so that if 100 tripsoccur, the resulting alarm prompts the operator or supervisor to investigate the typeof trips that occurred. A breakdown of trips by type may be found on A3MAINTENANCE\TRIP COUNTERS. If a trend is detected, it would warrant furtherinvestigation. OVERTORQUE [Z] OVERTORQUEALARM: OffRange: Off, Latched, UnlatchedMESSAGE ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS:AlarmRange: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2,Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm &Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 &Aux3, Auxiliary3MESSAGE TORQUE ALARMLEVEL: 4000.0 NmRange: 0.1 to 999999.9 Nm (or ft·lb) insteps of 0.1MESSAGE TORQUE ALARMDELAY: 1.0 sRange: 0.2 to 30 s in steps of 0.1MESSAGE TORQUE ALARMEVENTS: OffRange: On, Off TRIP [Z]COUNTERTRIP COUNTERALARM: OffRange: Off, Latched, UnlatchedMESSAGE ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS:AlarmRange: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2,Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm &Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 &Aux3, Auxiliary3MESSAGE TRIP COUNTER ALARMLEVEL: 25 TripsRange: 1 to 50000 Trips in steps of 1MESSAGE TRIP COUNTER ALARMEVENTS: OffRange: On, Off