Upgrading Relay Firmware 469Motor Management RelayInterfaceshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin 4–23GE Multilin8. The EnerVista 469 Setup software now prepares the 469 to receive the newfirmware file. The 469 will display a message indicating that it is in UploadMode. While the file is being loaded into the 469, a status box appears showinghow much of the new firmware file has been transferred and how much isremaining, as well as the upgrade status. The entire transfer process takesapproximately five minutes.9. The EnerVista 469 Setup software will notify the user when the 469 has finishedloading the file. Carefully read any displayed messages and click OK to returnthe main screen.Cycling power to the relay is recommended after a firmware upgrade.After successfully updating the 469 firmware, the relay will not be in service and willrequire setpoint programming. To communicate with the relay, the following settingswill have to me manually programmed.MODBUS COMMUNICATION ADDRESSBAUD RATEPARITY (if applicable)When communications is established, the saved setpoints must be reloaded backinto the relay. See Loading Setpoints from a File on page 4–21 for details.Modbus addresses assigned to firmware modules, features, settings, andcorresponding data items (i.e. default values, min/max values, data type, and itemsize) may change slightly from version to version of firmware.The addresses are rearranged when new features are added or existing features areenhanced or modified. The EEPROM DATA ERROR message displayed afterupgrading/downgrading the firmware is a resettable, self-test message intended toinform users that the Modbus addresses have changed with the upgraded firmware.This message does not signal any problems when appearing after firmwareupgrades.NOTE