A2 Metering Data 469Motor Management RelayActual Valueshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin 6–17GE MultilinIa PHASOR: “100.0% at 48° Lag”Ib PHASOR: “100.0% at 168° Lag”Ic PHASOR: “100.0% at 288° Lag”The EnerVista 469 Setup software displays the following screen for A2 METERING DATAZV PHASORS values:Pressing the “View” button displays the following screen:The following phasor diagram illustrates the vector diagram of our example. Bydefinition, power factor is the cosine of the angle between the phase to neutralvoltages and the corresponding phase current. In this example, 18.2° is the anglebetween Van and Ia, Vbn and Ib, and Vcn and Ic. Since the relay is measuringphase-phase quantities, and Vab is the reference phasor, the angle displayed by therelay takes into consideration the 30° angle between phase-phase and phase-neutral voltages.