5.19 AUTORECLOSE LOCKOUTA number of events will cause Autoreclose lockout. If this happens an Autoreclose lockout alarm is raised. In thiscondition, Autoreclose cannot be initiated until the corresponding lockout has been reset.The following events force Autoreclose lockout:● Protection operation during reclaim time. Following the final Autoreclose attempt, if the protection operatesduring the reclaim time, the AR cycle goes to AR lockout and the Autoreclose function is disabled until theAR lockout condition is reset.● Persistent fault. A fault is considered persistent if the protection re-operates after the last permitted shot.● Block Autoreclose. If the block Autoreclose DDB is asserted whilst Autoreclose is in progress, the cycle goesto lockout.● Protection function selection. Setting ‘Block AR’ against a particular protection function in the AUTORECLOSEcolumn means that operation of the protection will block Autoreclose and force lockout.● Circuit breaker failure to close. If a circuit breaker fails to close Autoreclose is blocked and forced to lockout.● Circuit breaker remains open at the end of the reclaim time. An Autoreclose lockout is forced if the circuitbreaker is open at the end of the reclaim time.● Circuit breaker fails to close when the close command is issued.● Circuit breaker fails to trip correctly.● Three-phase dead time started by ‘line dead’ violation. If the line does not go dead within the Dead LineTime setting, the logic forces the Autoreclose sequence to lockout. Determination of when to start the timeris made in the 3PDTStart WhenLD setting.● Block Follower if Leader fails to close is set. If the setting BF if Lfail Cls in the AUTORECLOSE column is set toEnable, the active Follower circuit breaker will lockout if the Leader circuit breaker fails to reclose.● Leader/Follower invalid selection using opto-isolated input. If the Leader/Follower Autoreclose mode in theAUTORECLOSE settings is set to be selected using the opto-isolated inputs, then if the logic detects an invalidAutoreclose mode combination, it forces both circuit breakers to lockout if a trip occurs.P446SV Chapter 11 - AutorecloseP446SV-TM-EN-1 325