P446SV Appendix B -Settings and SignalsP446SV-TM-EN-1 B47MENU TEXT COL ROW DEFAULT SETTING AVAILABLE OPTIONSDESCRIPTIONcommands will be ignored (i.e. CB Trip/Close, change setting group etc.). When in this mode the relay returns a “negative acknowledgementof command” message to the master station.RP1 Card Status 0E 0BK Bus OKEIA485 OKFibre Optic OK[Indexed String]Displays the status of the card in RP1RP1 Port Config 0E 0C K BusK BusEIA485 (RS485)[Indexed String]Courier versions only. This cell defines whether an electrical KBus or EIA(RS)485 is being used for communication between the master stationand relay.RP1 Comms Mode 0E 0D IEC60870 FT1.2IEC60870 FT1.2 Frame10-bit no parity[Indexed String]Courier versions only. The choice is either IEC 60870 FT1.2 for normal operation with 11-bit modems, or 10-bit no parity.RP1 Baud Rate 0E 0E 19200 bits/s9600 bits/s19200 bits/s38400 bits/s[Indexed String]Courier versions only. This cell controls the communication speed between relay and master station. It is important that both relay andmaster station are set at the same speed setting.Meas Scaling 0E 0F NormalisedNormalisedPrimarySecondary[Indexed String]DNP 3.0 versions only. Setting to report analogue values in terms of primary, secondary or normalized (with respect to the CT/VT ratiosetting) values.Message Gap (ms) 0E 10 0 Message Gap (ms)[Courier Number (time-milliseconds)]DNP 3.0 versions only. This setting allows the master station to have an interframe gap.DNP Need Time 0E 11 10 From 1 to 30 in steps of 1[Courier Number (time-minutes)]DNP 3.0 versions only. The duration of time waited before requesting another time sync from the master.DNP App Fragment 0E 12 2048 From 100 to 2048 in steps of 1[Unsigned Integer (32 bits)]DNP 3.0 versions only. The maximum message length (application fragment size) transmitted by the relay.DNP App Timeout 0E 13 2 From 1 to 120 in steps of 1[Courier Number (time-seconds)]DNP 3.0 versions only. Duration of time waited, after sending a message fragment and awaiting a confirmation from the master.DNP SBO Timeout 0E 14 10 From 1 to 10 in steps of 1[Courier Number (time-seconds)]DNP 3.0 versions only. Duration of time waited, after receiving a select command and awaiting an operate confirmation from the master.DNP Link Timeout 0E 15 0 From 0 to 120 in steps of 1[Courier Number (time-seconds)]DNP 3.0 versions only. Duration of time that the relay will wait for a Data Link Confirm from the master. A value of 0 means data link supportdisabled and 1 to 120 seconds is the timeout setting.Class 0 Poll 0E 16 Running Counters 0 or 1[Indexed String]Used for DNP3 serial only.When set the cell to “Running Counters”, the IED will only report the static counters (object 20) in class 0 responses. Otherwise if set to“Frozen Counters”, the IED will only report the frozen counters (object 21) in class 0 responses.NIC Protocol 0E 1F IEC61850UCA 2.0UCA 2.0 GOOSEIEC61850DNP3.0[Indexed String]IEC61850 versions only. Indicates that IEC 61850 will be used on the rear Ethernet port.NIC Mac Address 0E 22 NIC Mac Address[ASCII Text (17 Chars)]