P446SV Appendix B -Settings and SignalsP446SV-TM-EN-1 B135MENU TEXT COL ROW DEFAULT SETTING AVAILABLE OPTIONSDESCRIPTION[Indexed String]This setting enables CB1 to close by manual control when the live line & dead bus1 conditions are satisfied as set in the SYSTEM CHECKScolumn.CB1M SC DLDB 48 B7 DisabledDisabledEnabled[Indexed String]This setting enables CB1 to close by manual control when the dead line & dead bus1 conditions are satisfied as set in the SYSTEM CHECKScolumn.CB2M SC required 48 B8 DisabledDisabledEnabled[Indexed String]This setting determines whether a system check (e.g. live bus / dead line etc) is required for any manual (operator-controlled) closure of CB2.If Enabled, system check is required for closure. If Disabled, system check is not required.CB2M SC CS1 48 B9 DisabledDisabledEnabled[Indexed String]This setting enables CB2 to close by manual control when system satisfies all the System Check Synchronism Stage 1 conditions as listedunder the setting CB2 CS1 Status in the SYSTEM CHECKS column.CB2M SC CS2 48 BA DisabledDisabledEnabled[Indexed String]This setting enables CB2 to close by manual control when the system satisfies all the System Check Synchronism Stage 2 conditions as listedunder setting CB2 CS2 status in the SYSTEM CHECKS column.CB2M SC DLLB 48 BB DisabledDisabledEnabled[Indexed String]This setting enables CB2 to close by manual control when the dead line & live bus2 conditions are satisfied as set in the SYSTEM CHECKScolumn.CB2M SC LLDB 48 BC DisabledDisabledEnabled[Indexed String]This setting enables CB2 to close by manual control when the live line & dead bus2 conditions are satisfied as set in the SYSTEM CHECKScolumn.CB2M SC DLDB 48 BD DisabledDisabledEnabled[Indexed String]This setting enables CB2 to close by manual control when the dead line & dead bus2 conditions are satisfied as set in the SYSTEM CHECKScolumn.GROUP 1:AUTORECLOSE 49 00This column contains settings for AutorecloseNum CBs 49 50 CB1 OnlyCB1 OnlyCB2 OnlyCB1&CB2[Courier Number]Setting defines which CB(s) are active for the specific installation: CB1 only, CB2 only or both CB1 & CB2.AR Mode 49 51 AR 3P1P1/3P3PAR Opto[Indexed String]If the Num CBs setting (cell 4950 {above} in the AUTORECLOSE column) is set to CB1 Only, or CB2 Only, then this setting determines whichauto-reclose modes are permitted for the circuit breaker : single phase (AR 1P) only, both single phase and three phase (AR 1/3P), three phaseonly (AR 3P), or the auto-reclosing mode is controlled by opto input signals (AR Opto) mapped via DDBs (1497) AR Mode 1P and (1498) ARMode 3P.Lead/Foll ARMode 49 53 L 3P, F 3PL 1P, F 1PL 1P, F 3PL 3P, F 3PL 1/3P, F 1/3PL 1/3P, F 3PAR Opto