P446SV Appendix B -Settings and SignalsP446SV-TM-EN-1 B195ORDINAL SIGNAL NAME ELEMENT NAMEDESCRIPTION1507 Init 3P AR Test DDB_INIT_3PH_AR_TESTDDB mapped in PSL from opto or comms input. Input high-low operation will initiate 3Ph test trip & autoreclose cycle1508 Ext Fault APh DDB_EXTERNAL_FAULT_ADDB mapped in PSL from opto or comms input: indicates external protection operated for fault involving A phase1509 Ext Fault BPh DDB_EXTERNAL_FAULT_BDDB mapped in PSL from opto or comms input: indicates external protection operated for fault involving C phase1510 Ext Fault CPh DDB_EXTERNAL_FAULT_CDDB mapped in PSL from opto or comms input: indicates external protection operated for fault involving C phase1517 Ext Rst CB1 AROK DDB_EXTERNAL_RES_CB_AROKDDB mapped in PSL from opto or comms input. This input DDB is used when required to reset any CB1 "Successful Autoreclose"signal.1518 Ext Rst CB1Shots DDB_EXTERNAL_RES_CB_SHOTSDDB mapped in PSL from opto or comms input. This input DDB is used when required to reset the CB1 cumulative "Shots" counters.1521 MCB/VTS CB1 CS DDB_MCB_VTS_CS1DDB mapped in PSL from opto input (Bus1 VT secondary MCB tripped or VT fail detected by external VTS scheme), or signal from hostrelay VTS scheme1522 Inhibit LL DDB_INHIBIT_LIVE_LINEDDB mapped in PSL from opto input (external signal to inhibit Live Line function)1523 Inhibit DL DDB_INHIBIT_DEAD_LINEDDB mapped in PSL from opto input (external signal to inhibit Dead Line function)1524 Inhibit LB1 DDB_INHIBIT_LIVE_BUS1DDB mapped in PSL from opto input (external signal to inhibit Live Bus 1 function)1525 Inhibit DB1 DDB_INHIBIT_DEAD_BUS1DDB mapped in PSL from opto input (external signal to inhibit Dead Bus 1 function)1526 CB1 In Service DDB_CB1_IN_SERVICECB1 In Service (can be initiated for autoreclose)1528 CB1 NoAR DDB_CB_NO_ARCB1 not available for autoreclose1530 Leader CB1 DDB_LEAD_CBCB1 set as leader1535 CB1 Trip AR MemA DDB_TRIP_AR_MEMORY_AA Ph trip & AR initiation memory1536 CB1 Trip AR MemB DDB_TRIP_AR_MEMORY_BB Ph trip & AR initiation memory1537 CB1 Trip AR MemC DDB_TRIP_AR_MEMORY_CC Ph trip & AR initiation memory1541 AR Start DDB_AR_STARTAny AR initiation signal present1542 ARIP DDB_AR_IN_PROGRESSAny AR cycle in progress1543 CB1 AR Init DDB_CB_AR_INITCB1 AR cycle initiation1544 CB1 ARIP DDB_CB_AR_INPROGRESSCB1 AR cycle in progress1546 Seq Counter>Set DDB_SEQ_COUNT_GREATER_THAN_SHOTSSequence counts greater than shots1547 Evolve 3Ph DDB_EVOLVE_3PHASEConvert SPAR to 3PAR. DDB mapped to give 100ms pulse to CB1 Trip 3Ph and CB2 Trip 3Ph outputs1550 CB1 Failed AR DDB_CB_FAIL_ARCB1 AR failed due to persistent fault1551 DTOK All DDB_DEADTIME_OK_ALLEnabling condition for any dead time1552 DTOK CB1L 1P DDB_DEAD_TIME_OK_CB1LSPrequired for CB1 lead SPAR D Time1553 DTOK CB1L 3P DDB_DEAD_TIME_OK_CB1L3Prequired for CB1 lead 3PAR D Time1554 1P DTime DDB_SPDT_IN_PROGRESSSingle pole dead time in progress