Appendix B -Settings and Signals P446SVB20 P446SV-TM-EN-1MENU TEXT COL ROW DEFAULT SETTING AVAILABLE OPTIONSDESCRIPTIONReset All ValuesCB CONTROL 07 00This column controls the circuit Breaker Control configurationCB Control by 07 01 DisabledDisabledLocalRemoteLocal+RemoteOptoOpto+localOpto+RemoteOpto+Rem+local[Indexed String]Selects the type of circuit breaker control to be usedClose Pulse Time 07 02 0.5 From 0.1 to 10 in steps of 0.01[Courier Number (time-seconds)]Set period during which the CB should close when a CB close command is issued.Trip Pulse Time 07 03 0.5 From 0.1 to 5 in steps of 0.01[Courier Number (time-seconds)]Set period during which the CB should trip when a CB trip command is issued.Man Close Delay 07 05 10 From 0.01 to 600 in steps of 0.01[Courier Number (time-seconds)]Set delay after operator controlled CB close sequence is initiated, before a CB close output can be issued. (Allows operator to retire to a placeof safety before the CB close command is issued).CB Healthy Time 07 06 5 From 0.01 to 9999 in steps of 0.01[Courier Number (time-seconds)]Maximum waiting time for input DDB: CB1 Healthy (= gas pressure OK, spring charged etc) to enable CB1 Close by manual control. Samesetting applies to DDB: CB2 Healthy to enable CB2 Close by manual control. If set time runs out with input DDB: CBx Healthy low (= 0), alarmControl CBx Unhealthy is set and CB close sequence is cancelled.Check Sync Time 07 07 5 From 0.01 to 9999 in steps of 0.01[Courier Number (time-seconds)]Maximum waiting time for input signal CB1MSCOK from system check logic, to enable CB1 Close by manual control. Same setting applies toinput signal CB2MSCOK to enable CB2 Close by manual control. If set time runs out with input signal CBxMSCOK low (= 0), alarm Control CBxNoChSync is set and CB close sequence is cancelled.CB mon LO reset 07 08 NoNoYes[Indexed String]Command to reset the CB monitoring Lockout AlarmRst CB mon LO by 07 09 CB CloseUser InterfaceCB Close[Indexed String]Setting that determines if a lockout condition caused by CB monitoring conditions will be reset by a manual circuit breaker close commandor via the user interface.CB mon LO RstDly 07 0A 5 From 0.1 to 600 in steps of 0.01[Courier Number (time-seconds)]If Rst CB mon LO by is set to CB close then CB mon LO RstDly timer allows reset of CB lockout state after set time delayAutoreclose Mode 07 0B No OperationNo OperationIn ServiceOut of Service[Indexed String]Command to changes state of Auto-RecloseAR Status 07 0EOut of ServiceIn Service[Indexed String]Auto Reclose - Inservice / Out of serviceCB Status Input 07 11 52B 1 poleNone52A 3 pole52B 3 pole52A & 52B 3 pole52A 1 pole52B 1 pole52A & 52B 1 pole