P446SV Appendix B -Settings and SignalsP446SV-TM-EN-1 B45MENU TEXT COL ROW DEFAULT SETTING AVAILABLE OPTIONSDESCRIPTIONMEASURE'T SETUP 0D 00This column contains settings for the measurement setupDefault Display 0D 01 Description3Ph + N Current3Ph VoltagePowerDate and TimeDescriptionPlant ReferenceFrequencyAccess Level[Indexed String]This setting can be used to select the default display from a range of options, note that it is also possible to view the other default displayswhilst at the default level using the 4 and 6 keys. However once the 15 minute timeout elapses the default display will revert to thatselected by this setting.Local Values 0D 02 PrimaryPrimarySecondary[Indexed String]This setting controls whether measured values via the front panel user interface and the front courier port are displayed as primary orsecondary quantities.Remote Values 0D 03 PrimaryPrimarySecondary[Indexed String]This setting controls whether measured values via the rear communication port are displayed as primary or secondary quantities.Measurement Ref 0D 04 VAVAVBVCIAIBIC[Indexed String]Using this setting the phase reference for all angular measurements by the relay can be selected. This reference is for Measurements 1.Measurements 3 uses always IA local as a referenceMeasurement Mode 0D 05 0 From 0 to 3 in steps of 1[Unsigned Integer (16 bits)]This setting is used to control the signing of the real and reactive power quantities; the signing convention used is defined in theMeasurements and Recording chapter (P54x/EN MR).Fix Dem Period 0D 06 30 From 1 to 99 in steps of 1[Courier Number (time-minutes)]This setting defines the length of the fixed demand windowRoll Sub Period 0D 07 30 From 1 to 99 in steps of 1[Courier Number (time-minutes)]These two settings are used to set the length of the window used for the calculation of rolling demand quantitiesNum Sub Periods 0D 08 1 From 1 to 15 in steps of 1[Unsigned Integer (16 bits)]This setting is used to set the resolution of the rolling sub windowDistance Unit 0D 09 MilesKilometresMiles[Indexed String]This setting is used to select the unit of distance for fault location purposes, note that the length of the line is preserved when convertingfrom km to miles and vice versaFault Location 0D 0A DistanceDistanceOhms% of Line[Indexed String]The calculated fault location can be displayed using one of several options selected using this settingRemote2 Values 0D 0B PrimaryPrimarySecondary[Indexed String]The setting defines whether the values measured via the 2nd Rear Communication port are displayed in primary or secondary terms.COMMUNICATIONS 0E 00This column contains general communications settings