P446SV Appendix B -Settings and SignalsP446SV-TM-EN-1 B25MENU TEXT COL ROW DEFAULT SETTING AVAILABLE OPTIONSDESCRIPTIONMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember[Indexed String]Setting to specify the month in which daylight saving time adjustment startsDST Start Mins 08 27 60 From 0 to 1425 in steps of 15[Courier Number (time-minutes)]Setting to specify the time of day in which daylight saving time adjustment starts. This is set relative to 00:00 hrs on the selected day whentime adjustment is to startDST End 08 28 LastFirstSecondThirdFourthLast[Indexed String]Setting to specify the week of the month in which daylight saving time adjustment endsDST End Day 08 29 SundaySundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday[Indexed String]Setting to specify the day of the week in which daylight saving time adjustment endsDST End Month 08 2A OctoberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember[Indexed String]Setting to specify the month in which daylight saving time adjustment endsDST End Mins 08 2B 60 From 0 to 1425 in steps of 15[Courier Number (time-minutes)]Setting to specify the time of day in which daylight saving time adjustment ends. This is set relative to 00:00 hrs on the selected day whentime adjustment is to endRP1 Time Zone 08 30 UTCUTCLocal[Indexed String]Setting for the rear port 1 interface to specify if time synchronization received will be local or universal time co-ordinatedRP2 Time Zone 08 31 UTCUTCLocal[Indexed String]Setting for the rear port 2 interface to specify if time synchronization received will be local or universal time co-ordinatedDNPOE Time Zone 08 32 UTCUTCLocal[Indexed String]