P446SV Appendix B -Settings and SignalsP446SV-TM-EN-1 B169ORDINAL SIGNAL NAME ELEMENT NAMEDESCRIPTION559 Fast OV PHA DDB_QUARTER_CYCLE_OV_PHAPhase A Fast Overvoltage level detector used by Current No Volts (CNV)560 Fast OV PHB DDB_QUARTER_CYCLE_OV_PHBPhase B Fast Overvoltage level detector used by Current No Volts (CNV)561 Fast OV PHC DDB_QUARTER_CYCLE_OV_PHCPhase C Fast Overvoltage level detector used by Current No Volts (CNV)562 I2> Inhibit DDB_NPSOC_INHIBITInhibit Neg Sequence overcurrent protection563 I2>1 Tmr Blk DDB_NPSOC_1_TIMER_BLOCKBlock Neg Sequence overcurrent stage 1 time delayed trip564 I2>2 Tmr Blk DDB_NPSOC_2_TIMER_BLOCKBlock Neg Sequence overcurrent stage 2 time delayed trip565 I2>3 Tmr Blk DDB_NPSOC_3_TIMER_BLOCKBlock Neg Sequence overcurrent stage 3 time delayed trip566 I2>4 Tmr Blk DDB_NPSOC_4_TIMER_BLOCKBlock Neg Sequence overcurrent stage 4 time delayed trip567 I2>1 Start DDB_NPSOC_1_START1st stage Neg Sequence overcurrent start568 I2>2 Start DDB_NPSOC_2_START2nd stage Neg Sequence overcurrent start569 I2>3 Start DDB_NPSOC_3_START3rd stage Neg Sequence overcurrent start570 I2>4 Start DDB_NPSOC_4_START4th stage Neg Sequence overcurrent start571 I2>1 Trip DDB_NPSOC_1_TRIP1st stage Neg Sequence overcurrent trip572 I2>2 Trip DDB_NPSOC_2_TRIP2nd stage Neg Sequence overcurrent trip573 I2>3 Trip DDB_NPSOC_3_TRIP3rd stage Neg Sequence overcurrent trip574 I2>4 Trip DDB_NPSOC_4_TRIP4th stage Neg Sequence overcurrent trip576 AR Trip Test DDB_AR_TRIP_TESTAutoreclose trip test577 AR Trip Test A DDB_AR_TRIP_TEST_AAuto-reclose trip test A phase. Indication that a manually-initiated test cycle is in progress578 AR Trip Test B DDB_AR_TRIP_TEST_BAuto-reclose trip test B phase. Indication that a manually-initiated test cycle is in progress579 AR Trip Test C DDB_AR_TRIP_TEST_CAuto-reclose trip test C phase. Indication that a manually-initiated test cycle is in progress592 df/dt> Inhibit DDB_DFDT_INHIBITInhibit df/dt protection593 df/dt>1 Tmr Blk DDB_DFDT_1_TIMER_BLOCKBlock df/dt Stage 1 Timer594 df/dt>2 Tmr Blk DDB_DFDT_2_TIMER_BLOCKBlock df/dt Stage 2 Timer595 df/dt>3 Tmr Blk DDB_DFDT_3_TIMER_BLOCKBlock df/dt Stage 3 Timer596 df/dt>4 Tmr Blk DDB_DFDT_4_TIMER_BLOCKBlock df/dt Stage 4 Timer597 df/dt>1 Start DDB_DFDT_1_STARTdf/dt Stage 1 Start598 df/dt>2 Start DDB_DFDT_2_STARTdf/dt Stage 2 Start599 df/dt>3 Start DDB_DFDT_3_STARTdf/dt Stage 3 Start600 df/dt>4 Start DDB_DFDT_4_STARTdf/dt Stage 4 Start