P446SV Appendix B -Settings and SignalsP446SV-TM-EN-1 B57MENU TEXT COL ROW DEFAULT SETTING AVAILABLE OPTIONSDESCRIPTIONCB2 I^ Lockout 10 25 2000 From 1 to 25000 in steps of 1[Courier Number (current)]Setting that determines the threshold for the cumulative I^ lockout counter monitor. Set that should maintenance not be carried out, therelay can be set to lockout the auto-reclose function on reaching a second operations threshold.No.CB2 OPs Maint 10 26 Alarm DisabledAlarm DisabledAlarm Enabled[Indexed String]Setting to activate the number of circuit breaker operations maintenance alarm.No.CB2 OPs Maint 10 27 10 From 1 to 10000 in steps of 1[Unsigned Integer (16 bits)]Sets the threshold for number of circuit breaker operations maintenance alarm, indicating when preventative maintenance is due.No.CB2 OPs Lock 10 28 Alarm DisabledAlarm DisabledAlarm Enabled[Indexed String]Setting to activate the number of circuit breaker operations lockout alarm.No.CB2 OPs Lock 10 29 20 From 1 to 10000 in steps of 1[Unsigned Integer (16 bits)]Sets the threshold for number of circuit breaker operations lockout. The relay can be set to lockout the auto-reclose function on reaching asecond operations threshold.CB2 Time Maint 10 2A Alarm DisabledAlarm DisabledAlarm Enabled[Indexed String]Setting to activate the circuit breaker operating time maintenance alarm.CB2 Time Maint 10 2B 0.1 From 0.005 to 0.5 in steps of 0.001[Courier Number (time-seconds)]Setting for the circuit operating time threshold which is set in relation to the specified interrupting time of the circuit breaker.CB2 Time Lockout 10 2C Alarm DisabledAlarm DisabledAlarm Enabled[Indexed String]Setting to activate the circuit breaker operating time lockout alarm.CB2 Time Lockout 10 2D 0.2 From 0.005 to 0.5 in steps of 0.001[Courier Number (time-seconds)]Setting for the circuit breaker operating time threshold which is set in relation to the specified interrupting time of the circuit breaker. Therelay can be set to lockout the auto-reclose function on reaching a second operations threshold.CB2FltFreqLock 10 2E Alarm DisabledAlarm DisabledAlarm Enabled[Indexed String]Enables the excessive fault frequency alarm.CB2FltFreqCount 10 2F 10 From 1 to 9999 in steps of 1[Unsigned Integer (16 bits)]Sets a circuit breaker frequent operations counter that monitors the number of operations over a set time periodCB2FltFreqTime 10 30 3600 From 0 to 9999 in steps of 1[Courier Number (time-seconds)]Sets the time period over which the circuit breaker operations are to be monitored. Should the set number of trip operations beaccumulated within this time period, an alarm can be raised. Excessive fault frequency/trips can be used to indicate that the circuit mayneed maintenance attention (e.g. Tree-felling or insulator cleaning).OPTO CONFIG 11 00This column contains opto-input configuration settingsGlobal Nominal V 11 01 24/27V24/27V30/34V48/54V110/125V220/250VCustom[Indexed String]Sets the nominal battery voltage for all opto inputs by selecting one of the five standard ratings in the Global Nominal V settings. If Customis selected then each opto input can individually be set to a nominal voltage value.Opto Input 1 11 02 24/27V24-27V30-34V48-54V