20 FINAL CHECKS1. Remove all test leads and temporary shorting leads.2. If you have had to disconnect any of the external wiring in order to perform the wiring verification tests,replace all wiring, fuses and links in accordance with the relevant external connection or scheme diagram.3. The settings applied should be carefully checked against the required application-specific settings to ensurethat they are correct, and have not been mistakenly altered during testing.4. Ensure that all protection elements required have been set to Enabled in the CONFIGURATION column.5. Ensure that the IED has been restored to service by checking that the Test Mode cell in the COMMISSIONTESTS column is set to Disabled.6. If the IED is in a new installation or the circuit breaker has just been maintained, the circuit breakermaintenance and current counters should be zero. These counters can be reset using the Reset All Valuescell. If the required access level is not active, the device will prompt for a password to be entered so that thesetting change can be made.7. If the menu language has been changed to allow accurate testing it should be restored to the customer’spreferred language.8. If a P991/MMLG test block is installed, remove the P992/MMLB test plug and replace the cover so that theprotection is put into service.9. Ensure that all event records, fault records, disturbance records, alarms and LEDs and communicationsstatistics have been reset.Note:Remember to restore the language setting to the customer’s preferred language on completion.P446SV Chapter 24 - Commissioning InstructionsP446SV-TM-EN-1 659