Appendix B -Settings and Signals P446SVB176 P446SV-TM-EN-1ORDINAL SIGNAL NAME ELEMENT NAMEDESCRIPTION831 VC< start DDB_PHASE_C_UNDERVOLTAGEPhase C undervoltage level detector used in the pole dead logic. Detectors have a fixed threshold: undervoltage pickup 38.1 V-dropoff 43.8 V832 VTS Fast Block DDB_VTS_FAST_BLOCKVT supervision fast block - blocks elements which would otherwise maloperate immediately a fuse failure event occurs833 VTS Slow Block DDB_VTS_SLOW_BLOCKVT supervision slow block - blocks elements which would otherwise maloperate some time after a fuse failure event occurs834 CB1 Fail1 Trip DDB_CBF1_TRIP_3PHBfail1 Trip 3ph835 CB1 Fail2 Trip DDB_CBF2_TRIP_3PHBfail2 Trip 3ph836 CB2 Fail1 Trip DDB_CB2F1_TRIP_3PHtBF1 trip 3Ph - three phase output from circuit breaker failure 2 logic, stage 1837 CB2 Fail2 Trip DDB_CB2F2_TRIP_3PHtBF2 trip 3Ph - three phase output from circuit breaker failure 2 logic, stage 2838 Control TripCB1 DDB_CONTROL_TRIPControl trip - operator trip instruction to circuit breaker 1, via menu, or SCADA. (Does not operate for protection element trips)839 Control CloseCB1 DDB_CONTROL_CLOSEControl close command to circuit breaker 1. Operates for a manual close command (menu, SCADA), and additionally is driven by theauto-reclose close command840 Control TripCB2 DDB_CONTROL_TRIP_2Control trip - operator trip instruction to circuit breaker 2, via menu, or SCADA. (Does not operate for protection element trips)841 Control CloseCB2 DDB_CONTROL_CLOSE_2Control close command to circuit breaker 2. Operates for a manual close command (menu, SCADA), and additionally is driven by theauto-reclose close command842 CB1 Close inProg DDB_CONTROL_CLOSE_IN_PROGRESSControl Close in Progress843 Block Main Prot DDB_AR_BLOCK_MAIN_PROTECTIONAR Block Main Protection. In P841 etc, there is no specific output DDB to block selected protection functions. If such a feature isrequired for a particular application, appropriate mapping should be created in PSL, using output DDBs from sequence counter,single phase dead time and three phase dead time logic as required.844 CB1 AR 3p InProg DDB_AR_3_POLE_IN_PROGRESSCB1 Auto Reclose/(AR 3 pole) in Progress845 CB1 AR 1p InProg DDB_AR_1_POLE_IN_PROGRESSCB1 AR 1pole in progress846 Seq Counter = 0 DDB_SEQ_COUNT_0Auto-reclose sequence counter is at zero - no previous faults have been cleared within recent history. The sequence count is at zerobecause no reclaim times are timing out, and the auto-recloser is not locked out. The recloser is awaiting the first protection trip, andall programmed cycles are free to follow847 Seq Counter = 1 DDB_SEQ_COUNT_1The first fault trip has happened in a new auto-reclose sequence. Dead time 1, or reclaim time 1 are in the process of timing out848 Seq Counter = 2 DDB_SEQ_COUNT_2Auto-reclose sequence counter is at 2. This means that the initial fault trip happened, and then another trip followed, moving thecounter on to 2849 Seq Counter = 3 DDB_SEQ_COUNT_3Auto-reclose sequence counter is at 3. This means that the initial fault trip happened, and then 2 trips followed, moving the counteron to 3850 Seq Counter = 4 DDB_SEQ_COUNT_4Auto-reclose sequence counter is at 4. This means that the initial fault trip happened, and then 3 trips followed, moving the counteron to 4851 Seq Counter = 5 DDB_SEQ_COUNT_5Seq Counter = 5 (In 2CB AR, there is no output specifically for seq counter = 5. However there is a DDB output for Seq Counter > 4.may need a different allocation for DDB#851 in 2CB AR scheme.852 CB1 Succ 3P AR DDB_AR_SUCCESSFUL_RECLOSEThis signal is set when CB1 has successfully completed a three phase autoreclose cycle.853 3P Dead Time IP DDB_DEAD_TIME_IN_PROGRESS2CB logic provides separate output DDBs indicating (i) single phase dead time in progress, (ii) three phase dead time in progress (allshots), (iii) 3 ph 1st shot dead time in progress, (iv) 3 ph 2nd shot dead time in progress, (v) 3 ph 3rd shot dead time in progress, (vi) 3 ph4th shot dead time in progress.