Appendix B -Settings and Signals P446SVB120 P446SV-TM-EN-1MENU TEXT COL ROW DEFAULT SETTING AVAILABLE OPTIONSDESCRIPTION[Indexed String]Setting to enable or disable the third stage definite time sensitive earth fault element.ISEF>3 Direction 3A 4A Non-DirectionalNon-DirectionalDirectional FwdDirectional Rev[Indexed String]This setting determines the direction of measurement for the third stage element.ISEF>3 Current 3A 4D 0.4 From 0.005*I3 to 0.8*I3 in steps of 0.001*I3[Courier Number (current)]Pick-up setting for the third stage sensitive earth fault element.ISEF>3 Delay 3A 4E 0.5 From 0 to 200 in steps of 0.01[Courier Number (time-seconds)]Setting for the operating time delay for third stage sensitive earth fault element.ISEF>4 Status 3A 50 DisabledDisabledEnabled[Indexed String]Setting to enable or disable the fourth stage definite time sensitive earth fault element.ISEF>4 Direction 3A 51 Non-DirectionalNon-DirectionalDirectional FwdDirectional Rev[Indexed String]This setting determines the direction of measurement for the fourth stage element.ISEF>4 Current 3A 54 0.6 From 0.005*I3 to 0.8*I3 in steps of 0.001*I3[Courier Number (current)]Pick-up setting for the fourth stage sensitive earth fault element.ISEF>4 Delay 3A 55 0.25 From 0 to 200 in steps of 0.01[Courier Number (time-seconds)]Setting for the operating time delay for fourth stage sensitive earth fault element.ISEF> Blocking 3A 57 0x00FVTS Blks ISEF>1VTS Blks ISEF>2VTS Blks ISEF>3VTS Blks ISEF>4A/R Blks ISEF>3A/R Blks ISEF>4[Binary Flag (8 bits)]Logic Settings that determine whether blocking signals from VT supervision affect certain earth fault overcurrent stages.VTS Block - only affects sensitive earth fault protection. With the relevant bit set to 1, operation of the Voltage Transformer Supervision (VTS),will block the stage. When set to 0, the stage will revert to Non-directional upon operation of the VTS.ISEF DIRECTIONAL 3A 58ISEF> Char Angle 3A 59 90 From -95 to 95 in steps of 1[Courier Number (angle)]Setting for the relay characteristic angle used for the directional decision.ISEF> VNpol Set 3A 5B 5 From 0.5*V1 to 88*V1 in steps of 0.5*V1[Courier Number (voltage)]Setting for the minimum zero sequence voltage polarizing quantity required for directional decision.Wattmetric SEF 3A 5DPN> Setting 3A 5E 9 From 0.0*V1*I3 to 20*V1*I3 in steps of 0.05*V1*I3[Courier Number (power Watts)]Setting for the threshold for the wattmetric component of zero sequence power. The power calculation is as follows:The PN> setting corresponds to:Vres x Ires x Cos (φ – φc) = 9 x Vo x Io x Cos (φ– φc)Where; φ = Angle between the Polarizing Voltage (-Vres) and the Residual Currentφc = Relay Characteristic Angle (RCA) Setting (ISEF> Char Angle)Vres = Residual VoltageIres = Residual CurrentVo = Zero Sequence VoltageIo = Zero Sequence CurrentRESTRICTED E/F 3A 60