Appendix B -Settings and Signals P446SVB48 P446SV-TM-EN-1MENU TEXT COL ROW DEFAULT SETTING AVAILABLE OPTIONSDESCRIPTIONIEC61850 versions only. Indicates the MAC address of the rear Ethernet port.NIC Tunl Timeout 0E 64 5 From 1 to 30 in steps of 1[Courier Number (time-minutes)]IEC61850 versions only. Duration of time waited before an inactive tunnel to MiCOM S1 Studio is reset.NIC Link Report 0E 6A AlarmAlarmEventNone[Indexed String]IEC61850 versions only.Configures how a failed/unfitted network link (copper or fiber) is reported:Alarm - an alarm is raised for a failed linkEvent - an event is logged for a failed linkNone - nothing reported for a failed linkREAR PORT2 (RP2) 0E 80RP2 versions only.RP2 Protocol 0E 81 CourierCourierIEC870-5-103ModbusDNP 3.0[Indexed String]RP2 versions only. Indicates the communications protocol that will be used on the rear communications port.RP2 Card Status 0E 84UnsupportedCard Not FittedEIA232 OKEIA485 OKK Bus OK[Indexed String]RP2 versions only. Displays the status of the card in RP2RP2 Port Config 0E 88 EIA232 (RS232)EIA232 (RS232)EIA485 (RS485)K-Bus[Indexed String]RP2 versions only. This cell defines whether an electrical EIA(RS)232, EIA(RS)485 or KBus is being used for communication.RP2 Comms Mode 0E 8A IEC60870 FT1.2IEC60870 FT1.2 Frame10-bit no parity[Indexed String]RP2 versions only. The choice is either IEC 60870 FT1.2 for normal operation with 11-bit modems, or 10-bit no parity.RP2 Address 0E 90 255 From 0 to 255 in steps of 1[Unsigned Integer (16 bits)]RP2 versions only. This cell sets the unique address for the relay such that only one relay is accessed by master station software.RP2 InactivTimer 0E 92 15 From 1 to 30 in steps of 1[Courier Number (time-minutes)]RP2 versions only. This cell controls how long the relay will wait without receiving any messages on the rear port before it reverts to itsdefault state, including resetting any password access that was enabled.RP2 Baud Rate 0E 94 19200 bits/s9600 bits/s19200 bits/s38400 bits/s[Indexed String]RP2 versions only. This cell controls the communication speed between relay and master station. It is important that both relay and masterstation are set at the same speed setting.NIC Protocol 0E A0 DNP 3.0UCA 2.0UCA 2.0 GOOSEIEC61850DNP3.0[Indexed String]DNP 3.0 over Ethernet versions only. Indicates that DNP 3.0 will be used on the rear Ethernet port.IP Address 0E A1 IP Address[ASCII Text]DNP 3.0 over Ethernet versions only. Indicates the IP address of the relaySubnet Mask 0E A2 Subnet Mask[ASCII Text]