Operation Manual – VLANH3C S7500E Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 3 Voice VLAN Configuration3-5To do... Use the command... RemarksEnable the security modeof the voice VLANvoice vlan securityenableOptionalEnabled by defaultConfigure the OUIaddress for the voiceVLANvoice vlan mac-addressoui mask oui-mask[ description text ]OptionalBy default, each voiceVLAN has default OUIaddresses configured.Refer to Table 3-1 for thedefault OUI addresses ofdifferent vendors.Enable the global voiceVLAN feature voice vlan vlan-id enable RequiredEnter Ethernet port view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Configure the workingmode as automatic voice vlan mode autoOptionalAutomatic mode bydefaultThe working mode of thevoice VLAN on each portis independent of eachother.Enable the voice VLANfeature on the port voice vlan enable RequiredNot enabled by defaultNote:z Do not configure a VLAN as a protocol-based VLAN and a voice VLAN underautomatic mode simultaneously as the former requires the Hybrid port to untagpackets (refer to section Configuring Protocol-Based VLAN) whereas the latterrequires the Hybrid port to tag packets.z The default VLAN of a port in automatic mode cannot be configured as voice VLAN.Otherwise, the system will prompt error information.z Issuing of the voice vlan security enable command and the undo voice vlansecurity enable command only takes effect before the voice VLAN feature isenabled globally.3.2.3 Configuring a Voice VLAN under Manual ModeFollow these steps to configure the voice VLAN under manual mode: