Operation Manual – Information CenterH3C S7500E Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Information Center Configuration1-7Task RemarksSetting to Output System Information to the Trap Buffer OptionalSetting to Output System Information to the Log Buffer OptionalSetting to Output System Information to the SNMP NMS OptionalSetting to Save System Information to a Log File OptionalConfiguring Synchronous Information Output Optional1.2.2 Setting to Output System Information to the ConsoleI. Setting to output system information to the consoleTo do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enable information center info-center enable OptionalEnabled by defaultName the channel with aspecified channel numberinfo-center channelchannel-number namechannel-nameOptionalRefer to Table 1-2 fordefault channel names.Configure the channelthrough which systeminformation can be outputto the consoleinfo-center consolechannel{ channel-number |channel-name }OptionalSystem information isoutput to the console bydefault, with channel 0 asthe default channel.Configure the output rulesof system informationinfo-center source{ module-name | default }channel{ channel-number |channel-name } [ debug{ level severity | statestate } * | log { levelseverity | state state } * |trap { level severity |state state } * ] *OptionalRefer to Table 1-4 for thedefault output rules ofsystem information.Configure the format ofthe time stampinfo-center timestamp{ debugging | log | trap }{ boot | date | none }OptionalThe time stamp for log,trap and debugginginformation is date bydefault.