Operation Manual – IPv4 RoutingH3C S7500E Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 2 RIP Configuration2-9To do… Use the command… RemarksDefine an outboundadditional routing metric rip metricout value Optional1 by default2.3.2 Configuring RIPv2 Route SummarizationRoute summarization means that subnets in a natural network are summarized with anatural network that is sent to other networks. This feature can reduce the size ofrouting tables.I. Enabling RIPv2 route automatic summarizationYou can disable RIPv2 route automatic summarization if you want to advertise allsubnet routes.Follow these steps to enable RIPv2 route automatic summarization:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view ––Enter RIP view rip [ process-id ] ––Enable RIPv2 automaticroute summarization summary OptionalEnabled by defaultII. Advertising a summary routeYou can configure RIPv2 to advertise a summary route on the specified interface.To do so, use the following commands:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view ––Enter RIP view rip [ process-id ] ––Disable RIPv2 automaticroute summarization undo summary RequiredEnabled by defaultReturn to system view quit —Enter interface view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Advertise a summaryrouterip summary-addressip-address { mask |mask-length }Required